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Surfboard Repair

Surfboards are very fragile and can be easily damaged. However, they can also be easily repaired, and there are suitable products available for you to repair your surfboard yourself, saving money and time. Here you will find everything you need to repair your board: resin, fiberglass, plugs, repair kits, etc

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Repair FAQ

When should I use the epoxy resin/solarez and when the polyester ?

if your surfboard It is made of epoxy with an EPS core, you must use epoxy resin , or an epoxy resin-based repairer. If you use polyester resin on a board with an EPS (polystyrene) core, you will see how the polyester resin melts the core of the board, and you will see a large hole in your board.

If your board is made of polyester, with PU foam (polyurethane), it is preferable to use polyester resin. But it's not bad if you use epoxy resin or an epoxy based repairer, it will work too.

Do I have to mix catalyst with the UV resin for it to catalyze ?

No, the UV resin already has the necessary additive so that in contact with the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun it catalyzes. Therefore, it is not necessary to mix it with a catalyst , it is like any sun -drying sundry. But if you need to do an urgent repair at night, you can add PMEC catalyze.

Should I choose the same pre-shape size from the table that I want to have finished ?

Yes. If, for example, you want a 5'11 board, you have to ask for a pre-shape of the same size, since when sanding the notches of the shape machine, they are not so noticeable as to reduce the size of the surfboard.

How much catalyst should be added to the polyester resin ?

In order for the polyester resin to catalyze, a mixture of resin with PMEC catalyst of between 1% and 3% must be made. Never again since it could "burn" the resin, and the board could have a more yellow hue. The higher the outside temperature, the less catalyst you should use. We do not recommend working with polyester resin and catalyst at more than 25 degrees. We explain it all in greater detail in our blog article on how to laminate a surfboard .

How much waxed styrene should I pour into the resin to make the hot coat ?

To be able to sand the resin, a mixture of polyester resin must be made with 5% waxed styrene . Waxed stretching means that the resin is not sticky to the touch, and that it can be easily sanded without clogging the sandpaper. Waxed styrene is only used in the final layer of resin, called a gel coat or hot coat. It is never used for lamination, that is, to impregnate the fiberglass with resin. We explain it all in greater detail in our blog article on how to glaze a surfboard.